I think Du is the coolest character in this story. So, I chose to rewrite segment of his story. One thing before you read this blog, Don't laugh...
“Hi, Mom,” For whatever reason, I just can’t look straight to her eyes today. I tried, but I feel sorry whenever I look at her eyes. I hate that feeling. In a second, I noticed that Mom is looking John suspiciously. I then immediately introduce John to Mom. Afterwards, I turned back and continue talking to John because I want to escape from the guilt feeling. “Come sit with me, Du” Mom asked. “Okay” I replied. I stop halfway down the hall. For some reason, I started to recall my first day in this family. It was long time ago. I was only wearing a shirt and I was worrying what my life is going to be. Anyway, it is not important right now. “You owe me an explanation,” Mom broke the silence. “Do you mean John? No worry mama, I met John even before I met you and dad. I knew him in the camps. He is good. Anyways, can I have five hundred bucks?” “Very funny,” Mom replied. “How about three hundred bucks?” I asked again. “I am leaving today. John just found my sister. She is now residing in Los Angeles. I need to find her. I have been looking for her for years. Do not worry about me, she will look after me” I continued before mom answered me. “Sister?” Mom was confused. “Yes, the sister that saved my life years ago by feeding me worms.” I can still clearly remember that moment. I was starved to dead and she saved my life when I went completely hopeless. I promised myself that I will do whatever I can to pay her back. “I am pretty sure that you and dad will still be fine without me. Besides, your own baby is coming. It is still going to be a complete family without me.” I continued. “But we love you, and you are part of this family. You are our son, and we love you…, Du.” Mom says. “Stop, no matter what, we are not blood related. There is no way that I will be closer to you compare to your real son. On top of it, he never wanted me” I replied without looking at her. I don’t know why I said that, but I know it hurts. And probably, that is what I want. Deep in my heart, I love you too mama. However, this is the path I choose. I have to find her at any cost. Few fluids dropped from my eyes, and I just can’t control it. “Stop, damn it. Stop!” I told myself. I am so hopeless to try to control my tears. Next thing came up to my mind is “leave”. I don’t want her to see me crying. It is just not the right time. I run down the hall, slam my door and keep myself in the room. I sat on the floor in my room; feeling really sorry to mama. “Thank you for taking care of me, mama.” I whispered to myself. Someday, someday I will be back for you, but right now, I have to leave.
Work Cited:
Mukherjee, Bharati. "26." Jasmine. New York: Grove, 1989. 219-22. Print.